Climate change action plan to be developed

The Whakatane District Council is to develop a Climate Change Action Plan to complement and update its current Sustainability Strategy.

At its meeting last week, the Council approved a project to develop a Climate Change Action Plan, in line with Central and Local Government’s strong stance on what is considered a major future risk to communities.

The Council's Sustainability Strategy 2010-2015 was developed to provide the basis of actions to reduce the organisation’s carbon footprint, initially, and then of the community, and will provide a starting point for the proposed plan.

Work has commenced on an energy audit of Council operations, which is expected to identify opportunities to reduce the organisational footprint and showcase climate change leadership. The Council is also a member of a working group on at-risk local government infrastructure, due to sea level rise.

Council staff are already utilising Ministry for the Environment guidelines for changing rainfall intensities when designing infrastructure and are participating in a regional Environmental Cluster Group which is working to gain a range of efficiencies for Bay of Plenty communities.

Manager Strategy and Community Development Cashy Ball said a proposal had been developed to help inform discussion and provide a basis for direction in the formation of the Climate Change Action Plan. The Action Plan is likely to have two key focus areas – reducing carbon emissions and adapting to the impacts of climate change.

"Council proposes to collaborate with key interest/knowledge groups, including other local government organisations, iwi, local industry leaders, and existing community groups with a focus on sustainability, climate change and the use of shared resources," she said. "This approach would encourage a much greater response across a range of organisations within the Whakatane District and has a budget of up to $20,000."

The recommendation to approve the progression of a project to develop a Climate Change Action Plan was unanimously supported by Councillors.

First posted: 

Thursday, 21 December 2017 - 10:56am