Submissions on the proposed plan change closed at 5 pm on Monday, 17 September 2018.
For the latest information regarding the proposed plan change, please visit the Proposed Plan Change 1 (Awatarariki Fanhead, Matatā) page.
Proposed Plan Change 1 proposes to:
- Include an Awatarariki Debris Flow Policy Area and show high, medium, and low risk areas in this policy area on the District Plan Planning Maps.
- Rezone the high risk area to Costal Protection.
- Introduce a new policy framework and rules to manage the identified natural hazard risk.
View the Proposed Plan Change on this website »
Details of Proposed Plan Change 1 can also be viewed during normal office hours at:
- Customer Services desk, Whakatāne District Council, Commerce Street, Whakatāne
- Matatā Community Resource Centre, 31 Wilson Street, Matatā
- Te Kōputu a te whanga a Toi - Whakatāne Library and Exhibition Centre, 49 Kākahoroa Drive, Whakatāne
- Edgecumbe Library, 38 College Road, Edgecumbe
- Murupara Library and Service Centre, Civic Square, 48 Pine Drive, Murupara
- Ōhope Library, 4 Harbour Road, Ōhope
Any person may make a submission using one of the following options:
Policy Planner
Whakatāne District Council
Private Bag 1002
Whakatāne 3158
07 307 0718
Hand delivery
Policy Planner (care of Customer Services)
Whakatāne District Council Civic Centre
14 Commerce Street
Submissions lodged electronically do not require a signature. Submissions must be in the format of Form 5 of the Resource Management Act and state whether or not you wish to be heard on your submission. Copies of the form are available from the Council offices and libraries, and Council’s website (see above). Submissions on the proposed plan change close at 5 pm on Monday, 17 September 2018.
Once the closing date for submissions has passed, all submissions received will be summarised and made available for public inspection. Persons wishing to support or oppose any of these submissions will be entitled to do so. Council will then hold a hearing for the Proposed Plan Change to consider submissions that have been lodged and issue decisions on the matters raised. Anyone who makes a submission and indicated that they wish to be heard will have the right to attend the hearing and present their submission. On receiving notice of a decision on their submission, any person who disagrees with, or is dissatisfied with, the decision made, may appeal the decision to the Environment Court for further consideration.
The proposed plan change becomes fully operative after the Council has made its decision and all appeals, if there are any, have been resolved.