Further submissions sought on proposed District Plan change

Further input is being sought on the submissions lodged on Proposed Plan Change 1 to the Whakatāne District Plan.

The plan change seeks to alter the current zoning of part of the Awatarariki debris flow fanhead area at Matatā from residential to coastal reserve, to address the high loss of life risk posed by future debris flows from the Awatarariki Stream.  Eight submissions were received following the initial notification of the proposed plan change earlier this year and the Whakatāne District Council has now prepared a summary of the decisions requested. 

As provided for in the Resource Management Act (RMA) 1991, further submissions can now be made in support of, or opposition to any of the matters raised in the original submissions. No new submissions points can be considered, however.

Any person or organisation representing a relevant aspect of public interest; or who has an interest in the proposed plan which is greater than that of the general public, can make a further submission. The statutory 10-day period for further submissions commences on 27 November and closes at 4 pm on Tuesday, 11 December 2018.

The summary of decisions requested and the original submissions are available on the Council website and can also be inspected at council offices and district libraries. Any submissions lodged must use the prescribed RMA form (Form 6), which can be completed online, downloaded from the Council website, or collected from district libraries.

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First posted: 

Friday, 23 November 2018 - 8:24am