Full sewerage reticulation supported despite rates increase

With just a week left in the consultation process to gauge the community’s views on possible sewerage reticulation scheme options Matatā, a substantial majority of the submissions returned to the Whakatāne District Council are in favour of full reticulation.

Despite the fact that the project could increase rates costs for all ratepayers connected to sewerage schemes in the District (other than Murupara), only two of the submissions received to date have been from ratepayers outside of the Matatā Community. Of the 55 survey or submission forms received, more than 85 percent preferred a fully-reticulated scheme serving the whole Matatā community. Only five submitters were in favour of not installing sewerage reticulation, the option that has no rating impact, while two preferred the middle ground of a partial scheme, which has a lesser impact on rates.

The Council is seeking feedback on three options and has not indicated a preferred choice. Option 1 is for no sewerage reticulation, option 2 provides for partial reticulation for areas where the high water table prevents septic tank soakage fields from operating efficiently, while option 3 would provide sewerage reticulation for all properties in the township.

The community’s views will play an important part in the Council’s decision-making process, which must be completed by 30 May to qualify for a Ministry of Health subsidy. Under the Council’s current funding policy, people who receive a similar sewerage service all pay the same targeted rate for that service. If a sewerage scheme is introduced for Matatā, that scheme would be amalgamated with the District’s other sewerage schemes (excluding Murupara) for funding purposes.

If a full sewerage scheme was introduced in Matatā, property owners connected to any District sewerage scheme (other than Murupara)would face a rates increase of around $45 a year from 2015/16 onwards, while Matatā property owners’ rates would increase by about $317 per year. If Council opts for a partial scheme, the wider community’s rates would increase by about a $12 a year, while the Matatā properties connected to the scheme would face an increase of around $283 a year.

As this proposal will have an impact on approximately 11,000 ratepayers around the District, the Council is keen to hear the wider community’s views. Matatā is the largest urban community in the Whakatāne District that still relies on septic tanks for sewage disposal. Concerns have been raised about the potential contamination of groundwater and waterways and the Council has undertaken a Public Health Risk Assessment to analyse this risk. While the assessment concluded that contamination is not widespread, two hot spot zones were identified in low-lying areas.

The Ministry of Health has approved a subsidy of up to $6.7 million towards the estimated cost of $10.4 million for a full reticulation scheme. If the Council opts for partial reticulation, the subsidy would provide about $1.5million of the total project cost of $1.8million. Without the subsidy contribution, either option would probably be unaffordable in Matatā, where rates have risen significantly as a result of the recovery projects undertaken since the 2005 debris flow disaster.

If neither of the reticulation options is chosen, the Matatā community will continue to rely on private septic tanks. This has implications for many property owners, particularly those in the hot spot zones. The Bay of Plenty Regional Council is currently considering introducing a Maintenance Zone in Matatā, which would involve ongoing monitoring and maintenance costs. Properties with inadequate on-site systems or ineffective soakage fields could also face significant upgrading costs.

To have your say on this important proposal, make a submission to the Whakatāne District Council. Submissions close on 12 April 2013 and can be sent to the Council at Private Bag 1002, Whakatāne 3158, or dropped in to any of the Council’s offices. Alternatively, email your submission to submissions@whakatane.govt.nz or fill out an online submission form on the Council’s website: www.whakatane.govt.nz. For more information on the three options the Council is considering, and the implications of those options, please contact the Council on 07 306 0500.

First posted: 

Thursday, 4 April 2013 - 12:00am