No fee rise plus great prizes for dogs registered on time

Dog owners will pay no more to register their dogs this year and all dogs registered by 1 August will be in the draw to win a lifetime registration with Whakatāne District Council.

Council is retaining dog registration fees at the same level as last year – and registration comes with a variety of great prizes for dog owners, including registration for life for the winning dog – as long as it resides in the district with its current owner.

Dog registrations are due from 1 July 2022 and all eligible dogs must be registered by 1 August 2022 to avoid a penalty and to be in our great prize draw. 

General Manager Development and Environment Services David Bewley says Council relies on a high level of compliance by dog owners to register their dogs so that fees don’t have to be increased.

“Dog registration is our main source of operating income and it has been particularly difficult to hold this year’s fees at the same level as last year. 

“This has been made more difficult due to COVID-19 preventing our Animal Control Team from being out in the communities to the same extent as normal to track down owners who have failed to register their dogs.

“We certainly don’t want to be forced to penalise those good dog owners who faithfully register their dogs, simply because of those owners who don’t comply.”

The 2022/23 registration fee for a de-sexed (neutered) dog is $58, provided payment is on or before Monday, 1 August 2022, or $83 if paid after this date. 

The fee for registering an entire (unneutered) dog is $83, but this increases to $124.50 if paid after Monday, 1 August 2022.

Working dogs for stock purposes and dogs owned by incorporated hunt clubs are charged a flat fee of $58 (no extra fee for non-neutered dogs). A penalty still applies for working dogs unregistered after 1 August 2022.

Certified disability assist dogs and dogs used by Government agencies for specific purposes (such as law enforcement or biosecurity) are free of charge. 

For dogs under 12 months old, a proportion fee will be charged. A reminder that all dogs aged over three months must be registered. Microchipping is $15; replacement tags are $2 and rehoming is $25.

Impounding remains at $60 for a first impounding; $90 for a second; and $120 for a third and subsequent impounding. Additional charges apply for dog food and after-hours impoundment. The euthanasia fee for dogs surrendered by owners is $85.

Dog registrations make up greatest percentage of dog control revenue each year, with about 90% occurring during July, before a penalty applies. Fines, pound fees, sustenance and microchipping provide about $120,000 of annual income. 

There are currently 4080 owners of about 6024 registered dogs in the district, although the number of registered dogs varies as dogs die or move away during the year. 

Registration fee invoices will be posted to known dog owners. All dogs are legally required to be registered and failure to do so is an offence under the Dog Control Act.

The prize draw for a free registration will take place in August (conditions apply).

First posted: 

Wednesday, 1 June 2022 - 1:51pm