Creative funding applications close soon

Do you have a creative project that could benefit from some funding assistance? With little over a week, time is running out to get applications into this funding round of the Creative Communities Whakatāne Scheme.

The Scheme aims to increase participation in the arts at a local level and enhance the range and diversity of arts available within communities. Funding is divided into three categories: Broad Community Involvement; Diversity; and Young People.

Whakatāne District Council Administration Officer Community, Janie Storey, says applications to the Creative Communities Whakatāne Scheme can be made either as individuals or groups.

“In principle, the Scheme offers support for projects rather than support for applicants and all applications are assessed according to the merit of the project,” Ms Storey says. “Activities which could be funded range from festivals and productions, to workshops that offer opportunities for community involvement in the arts, youth arts events and artist-led projects involving local communities.”

Applications for funding are considered twice a year, in May and November. The Scheme has $25,000 available in the 2013/14 year to contribute towards Whakatāne District projects, with $15,000 available in this funding round.

Applications will be received up to 5.00 pm Friday 31 May 2013. The Creative New Zealand Local Communities Funding Assessment Special Committee will consider the applications in early June and applicants will be notified of the decision within a week of the meeting.

First posted: 

Wednesday, 22 May 2013 - 12:00am