Air training development stalls

The establishment of an air training satellite base at Whakatāne Airport will not proceed in the foreseeable future.

CTC Aviation Training (NZ) Limited, a Hamilton-based pilot training school, and the Whakatāne District Council have undertaken a joint study into the feasibility of establishing a satellite training facility at the town’s airport. While the outcomes of that process were largely positive, CTC’s UK-based Board of Directors has decided not to proceed with the development at this stage.

CTC NZ’s Acting Managing Director, Julian So, said a trend on behalf of the company’s international airline partners towards Multi-Crew Pilot Licence (MPL) training requirements will bring significant changes in course design.

“MPL training courses require close to 50 percent less flying hours and more flight simulator-based training. That shift, together with some proactive initiatives to improve the efficiency of our operations at Hamilton Airport, means that our demand for training airspace will not increase in the way we had originally envisaged,” Mr So said. “As a result, our need for a supplementary training base at Whakatāne has diminished to a point where it is no longer part of our overall strategic plan. Our flight training programme will continue to include ‘fly-aways’ at Whakatāne Airport, particularly during periods of inclement weather at Hamilton.”

Mr So acknowledged the Council’s contribution to the satellite base evaluation process and the close relationship that had developed as a result.

The Council’s General Manager Community and Economic Development, Julian Reweti, said the decision was extremely disappointing for all involved.

“I think there was general agreement that Whakatāne Airport was a good fit for CTC’s proposed satellite operation, but unfortunately, that concept has been overtaken by external industry factors,” Mr Reweti said. “We welcome CTC’s continued use of Whakatāne Airport for training purposes and will continue to work with their local team to maximise the long-term benefits for the Whakatāne District. In the meantime, however, our focus will shift to other development opportunities which will enhance the airport’s operating and financial performance.”

First posted: 

Thursday, 29 August 2013 - 12:00am