Council meets this week to adopt draft Long Term Plan for consultation

The Whakatāne District Council draft Long Term Plan 2024-34 has been prepared and the Mayor and Councillors will meet this week to adopt the plan for consultation at the Energy, Environment and Resilience Committee meeting on Wednesday (6 March).

Whakatāne District Mayor, Dr Victor Luca says from all accounts this has been one of the most challenging environments in which to develop a draft Long Term Plan.

“Context is so important when thinking about how we’ve landed where we have. From global economic shifts to significant inflationary pressures and needing to work within a local government funding system that is fundamentally broken, these factors have affected us all.

“Trade-offs always need to be made between desires and affordability. This process, for me, has been about envisioning a future where we live within our means, doing more with less, and ensuring that basic services remain efficient and accessible to all.

“It’s time to hunker down, but also look for innovative ways to stage work programme delivery so we don’t stagnate or go backwards on important projects. It’s also a time to get more creative about how we fund Council so that we have to depend less on rates income, although this will take time."

In June 2023, Council kicked off community discussions to help inform development of the Long Term Plan 2024-34. A lot of great feedback was received, with more than 360 submissions.

“It was clear to see that a lot of people care about the future of the District, and that people want to know what their rates are being spent on now more than ever,” says Mayor Luca.

“I sincerely hope to hear from many more of people through this consultation process, whether you’re a ratepayer or resident. The voices of our communities are vital in crafting a plan that meets community needs and aspirations.”

Mayor Luca notes that the Long Term Plan consultation document outlines key considerations and asks some specific questions that people can comment on. It’s also an opportunity for people to provide general feedback.

“I know there’s a common belief that ‘our minds are already made up’ and there is little sway that community voices can have through this process. I can assure people that this is not the case. Fellow Councillors and I will give serious thought to the views of our communities before making final decisions.”

There’s a range of different ways people can do this, including community hui and events, hardcopy submission forms and through the Council’s website. Keep an eye on your letterbox too, as we’ll be delivering a snapshot to everyone, which highlights the key points and questions we’re asking.

Formal consultation will be open from Tuesday, 12 March to Friday, 12 April 2024. After submissions have been considered, elected members will deliberate before adopting the final plan on 28 June 2024.

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First posted: 

Tuesday, 5 March 2024 - 5:39pm