Council’s strategic direction under review

The Whakatāne District Council has begun a review of its strategic direction, as a lead-in to the development of its next Long Term Plan (LTP) in 2015.

Mayor Tony Bonne says the 2015-25 LTP will establish the path and priorities for the development of the Council’s infrastructure assets, services and activities, including economic development initiatives.

“As we’ve just commenced a new triennium with some new Councillors, we thought it would be appropriate to start by reflecting on our vision for the Whakatāne District and the direction we need to take to achieve Councillors’ and the community’s aspirations,” he says. “As part of that process, Council elected members and senior staff held a two-day strategic planning forum last week, which provided an opportunity for Councillors to express their personal views about the things we need to change, keep doing, or do better in future.”

He says there was a clear consensus that the Council wishes to see economic development driven further and faster. “In recent months, we’ve taken a number of proactive decisions flowing from the Grow Whakatāne action plan which are designed to add some real momentum to economic development. We want a vibrant community where more people choose to live, work and play. Key measures of success will be a District that is safe and engaged, where businesses and innovation thrive, and where promoting the enjoyment of a quality and affordable lifestyle is part of everything Council does.”

Other focuses include:

  • Affordable Council services and rates
  • Resilient infrastructure – such as roads, water supplies and stormwater and wastewater systems – which meets the community’s needs and, as far as possible, will withstand natural hazard impacts
  • Clear and simple policies and processes, empowering staff to make quick, common-sense decisions and reduce barriers to investment and development

“We also have some personal goals around effective leadership which is both incisive and responsive, making decisions with and for the community in a transparent and inclusive way,” Mayor Bonne concludes. “We look forward to building the strong and enduring partnerships that will help us make the 2015-25 LTP an effective blueprint for the future.”

First posted: 

Thursday, 27 February 2014 - 8:34am