Important decision for Murupara community

The Murupara community is being asked for feedback on a proposed shared-use approach which could deliver a new, purpose-built hall and gymnasium for the town.

This novel proposal stems from discussions between the Whakatāne District Council, Murupara Community Board, iwi, the Murupara Area School Board of Trustees and the Ministry of Education on ways to bring the new school and community together around a shared ‘hub’ in the town centre.

The Council’s draft Annual Plan 2014/15 includes provision for a $410,000 contribution to the development of a larger gymnasium and hall, which would offer the school and the community a superior facility suited to a wide range of uses. In conjunction with the Community Board and iwi, the Council would seek external funding to cover approximately one-third of the proposed contribution, with the remaining cost supported by renewal funds (asset depreciation reserves), operational savings from discontinuing the use of the old town hall and loan funding.

Mayor Tony Bonne says the proposal has received solid support in principle. “Everyone involved recognises that this is a huge opportunity to work strategically to make the best possible use of the Ministry’s investment and bring the school and community together through a facility promoting lifelong education and recreation opportunities, right in the heart of Murupara,” he says. “Our draft Annual Plan 2014/15 consultation process now gives the wider community a chance to consider the project and provide feedback for the Council to consider.”

Mayor Bonne says the project would cost about $5,000 a year for the next 10 years, which would equate to a rate increase of 0.1 percent for Murupara ratepayers

Community Board Chairman Jacob Te Kurapa says that the project is one that the community will be looking at carefully, but he also added that there are positive sides to this work. “The Community Board has voted to support this project, because the community would have access to a great, multi-use facility, which will help create what will ultimately become a vibrant town centre.”

Based on the new school’s roll, it will have a 680 square metre hall/gymnasium/multi-purpose space. The proposed community contribution would see that expanded by 120 square metres, allowing the facility to provide a full-size basketball court and run-off space. It will also provide a stage, resource spaces and ablution facilities. The building would be owned and maintained by the Ministry of Education, with the school having exclusive use during and immediately after normal school hours, allowing evening and weekend use for community activities.

Usage of the existing town hall is low, and it is relatively expensive to operate and maintain. Vandalism is also an issue.

The proposal before the community would see the hall decommissioned – once the school facility was available for use – and the area landscaped to become a focal point for community recreation activities. An information resource is being prepared for distribution to Murupara households and businesses later this month and the Council is seeking submissions on the proposal as part of its draft Annual Plan consultation process. Submissions can be made to the Council between 21 March and 22 April 2014. Submission forms can be obtained from the Murupara Service Centre or lodged online.

First posted: 

Thursday, 6 March 2014 - 4:31pm