Decisions made on Bunyan Road District Plan submissions

Decisions on the submissions and further submissions made to the Proposed Whakatāne District Plan with regard to development of Council-owned land at 60 and 77 Bunyan Road have now been publicly notified. 

The decisions have been made under delegated authority by independent Commissioners Rob van Voorthuysen, Gina Mohi and Alan Watson, following a four-day hearing of submissions between 5 and 8 May 2014. Copies of the decisions have been sent to all submitters and further submitters and are available on the Proposed District Plan Hearings page (under the heading "Additional Documents"), at Council offices and in District libraries.

As of 10 June, the Proposed District Plan is amended to reflect the decisions of the Commissioners. However, any person or organisation that made a submission or further submission on these provisions can appeal the decision to the Environment Court, within 30 working days of receiving the public notice. Anyone needing further information on this process can contact the Council for assistance.

Hearings for other Chapters of the Proposed District Plan are continuing throughout the year, with decisions from the District Plan Hearings Committee not expected until all hearings are completed.

First posted: 

Monday, 9 June 2014 - 4:58pm