Young Achiever Awards announced

Recipients of Annual Grant funding were allocated on Monday, 11 August 2014, following a meeting of the Whakatāne District Council Annual Grants Committee.

Councillors D W Sheaff (Chairperson), J W Pullar and A R Silcock were present at the meeting, and $12,000 was allocated for distribution.

The community groups that were approved for funding included:

  • Brain Injury Association (EBOP) Inc.
  • The Family Education Network
  • The Hiyoko Japanese Community Playgroup
  • Parkinson’s Society BOP
  • The Post-Polio Support Group
  • St David’s Presbyterian Church
  • The Parenting Place
  • The Whakatāne Baptist Community Charitable Trust

First posted: 

Friday, 15 August 2014 - 9:09am