Rangatahi are quite literally our future, and Whakatāne District Council has a number of programmes aimed at encouraging young people to share, learn, grow and reach their potential.
These include the Whakatāne District Youth Council, the Tuia Mentoring Programme, Young Achievers Awards, Whakatāne Youth Strategy and Whakatāne Future Leaders.
Whakatāne District Youth Council
The Whakatāne District Youth Council aims to get young people involved in local government planning and decision-making. Rangatahi aged 14-24 are given the opportunity to develop skills as leaders, advisors, organisers and decision-makers. They become role models for other young people in their whānau, school and community.
We're currently accepting applications for the 2025 Youth Council. You've got until 5pm Sunday, 9 February to get your application in.
Whakatāne Youth Strategy
A youth strategy facilitated by the Whakatāne District Youth Council was completed in 2022. This followed a comprehensive youth survey in 2021 that asked a range of rangatahi what living in Whakatāne District was like now and what would make it an even better place to live. The Youth Strategy 2022-2027 (Te Rautaki Rangatahi) has a vision that
"Every young person is inspired and supported to explore unlimited opportunities and thrive as tomorrow’s leaders."
It contains a number of actions that the Youth Council will help rangatahi to deliver.
Read the Youth Strategy (Te Rautaki Rangatahi) 2022-2027 - (PDF, 6 MB)