The aronga/purpose of this fund is to support individuals who are involved in, or would like to be involved in, activities and projects linked to the Whakatāne District’s waterways and marine environment.
How and when to apply
The dates for the next funding round will be confirmed soon.
For more information on the Te Pūaha Scholarship Fund, contact our Community Funding Advisor on 07 306 0500 or email
Funding available
Up to $38,000 is available for the Te Puaha General and Te Puaha Scholarship Fund for the February / March funding round.
- Projects or activities must benefit people within Whakatāne District
- Not-for-profit organisations, charitable trusts and community organisations providing services in Whakatāne District
- Other conditions may apply. See the guidelines attached for more information or contact the Community Funding Advisor.
Funding Committee panel
Funding decisions are made at the Community Funding Committee meeting. The funding panel comprises three Councillors, with administrative and other support from staff. This includes a representative from Ports and Harbours, whose role is to report to and advise the committee on the applicants and their applications.
Find out more
For more information on Te Pūaha Fund, contact our Community Funding Advisor on 07 306 0500 or email