WDC Long Term Plan 2012 - 2022 - (PDF, 10.7 MB)
The Long Term Plan sets out our strategic direction, priorities and work programme for Council. This Long Term Plan covers the period 1 July 2012 - 30 June 2022. It also acts as the Council’s Annual Plan 2012/13. This document has been superseded by the Council’s 2015-25 LTP.
Below you will find a breakdown of each section of the full LTP.
Introduction to the LTP - (PDF, 743 KB)
This includes a personal introduction to the LTP from Mayor Tony Bonne and Chief Executive Marty Grenfell. It also includes a summary of some of the key changes made since the draft LTP.
Who We Are- (PDF, 1 MB)
This chapter breaks down who we are as a Council and a District. This includes your elected representatives, your community boards, the Council structure and information about our District.
The Big Decisions- (PDF, 1 MB)
The ‘big decisions’ chapter identifies our key issues, key projects and our most significant proposals.
Where We Are Going- (PDF, 5 MB)
This chapter sets out our vision, purpose and community outcomes for the coming 10 years. The Financial Strategy, which tells the financial story of the Council, and the rates review are also detailed in this chapter along with information on our high level strategies and plans.
Our Work In Detail- (PDF, 740 KB)
This chapter takes up a large chunk of the LTP and sets out our intended activities. Within each activity, detail on the proposed level of service and projects has been provided. This chapter also contains information on our Council Controlled Organisation (CCOs).
Our Work in Detail
Leadership - (PDF, 738 KB)
- Governance
- Community Support
- Strategy and Policy
Roads and Footpaths - (PDF, 748 KB)
- Transport Networks
- Road Safety
- Parking Enforcement
Water Supply - (PDF, 681 KB)
- Water Supply
Sewage Treatment and Disposal - (PDF, 723 KB)
- Sewage Treatment and Disposal
- Tradewaste
Stormwater Drainage - (PDF, 1 MB)
- Stormwater Drainage
Waste - (PDF, 1 MB)
- Waste Disposal
- Waste Recycling
- Waste Reprocessing
Environmental Sustainability - (PDF, 664 KB)
- Resource Management - Policy
- Resource Management - Consents
Community Safety - (PDF, 1 MB)
- Licensing (Liquor and Gambling)
- Environmental Health
- Regulation Monitoring
- Building
- Animal Control
- Emergency Management
- Community Development
Arts and Culture - (PDF, 1 MB)
- Library
- Exhibition, Research, Storage and Archives
Community Property - (PDF, 882 KB)
- Pensioner Housing
- Halls
- Commercial Property
Recreation and Community Facilities - (PDF, 1 MB)
- Parks, Reserves, Recreation and Sportsfields
- Cemeteries and Crematorium
- Public Conveniences
- Aquatic Centres
- Ports and Harbour
- Visitor Information
Corporate and District Activites - (PDF, 654 KB)
- Customer Services
- Communications
- Human Resources
- Finance
- Corporate Information
- Corporate Property
- District Income and Expenditure
Council Controlled Organisations - (PDF, 346 KB)
- Whakatane Airport
- Bay of Plenty Local Authority Shared Services Limited
- Toi Economic Development Agency
- Local Government Funding Agency
Our Costs In Detail - (PDF, 1 MB)
This section outlines in more detail our financial information, including our capital and operational expenditure and also our Revenue and Financing Policy.
Policies and Proposals
We have developed a number of policies and proposals alongside the LTP. These support the LTP but do not form part of the LTP:
- Policy on Determining Significance - (PDF, 1.2MB)
- Consultation Policy - (PDF, 1 MB)
- Rates Remission and Postponement Policies - (PDF, 880 KB)
- Policy on the Remission and Postponement of rates on Maori Freehold Land - (PDF, 976 KB)
- Fees and Charges 2012/13
Supporting Documents
The links below will take you to specific documents which have been referred to in the LTP.