1.0 Objective of the Policy
The objectives of this policy are:
- To facilitate the ongoing provision of non-commercial (business), non-profit, voluntary community and sporting services to the general public.
- To assist the organisation’s financial viability.
- To make membership of the organisation more accessible to the general public, particularly disadvantaged groups. These include children, youth, young families, aged people and economically disadvantaged people.
2.0 Conditions and Criteria
The following conditions and criteria apply:
2.1 Remission may be available to land occupied or used by a non-profit organisation which provides voluntary community or sporting services to the general public.
2.2 The organisation’s purpose aligns with the Policy objectives.
2.3 50% remission of rates and charges, excluding those for water, sewerage and refuse disposal, will apply for organisations, including those with a permanent club liquor licence.
2.4 Applications for remission must be made on an approved declaration form.
2.5 An application must include:
- A signed statement from the organisation’s treasurer to prove no profit is derived from its activity.
- A statement of objectives, information on activities and programmes, and details of membership of clients.
2.6 Applications for remission must be completed every two years.
2.7 Each application will be considered on its merits, and provision of a remission in any year does not set a precedent for similar remission in any future year.
3.0 Delegation
The delegated authority for this policy is set out in the Delegations Register.