The Local Governance Statement outlines the Whakatāne District Council’s democratic processes: how we engage with our community, how we make decisions, and how citizens can influence Council's decisions.
The Governance Statement covers:
- Council’s functions, responsibilities and activities
- Local government legislation
- Electoral system and opportunity for change
- Representation arrangements (ward boundaries, reviews)
- Changing the district's boundaries or functions
- Roles and conduct of elected members and the Chief Executive
- Governance structures and processes
- Membership of Council committees and delegations
- Meeting processes (Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 and Standing Orders)
- Management structure and relationship between management and elected members
- Systems for public access to the Council and participation
- Processes for requests for official information
- Key Council policies
The Local Governance Statement must be prepared no later than six months after each triennial election and updated when required.
Local Governance Statement - (PDF, 3 MB)