Thank you for your interest. Minor updates to reflect Treaty settlements and correct errors were completed on the 24 February 2025.
Why are we doing this?
He aha mãtau e mahi new I tēnei?
Several Te Tiriti o Waitangi settlements have been completed and the District Plan should be updated to reflect this. The parts of the District Plan the lists are in are information-only sections. The updates proposed are minor in nature, adding iwi names and Treaty settlements to pre-existing lists, not adding any descriptive material.
In addition, some minor cross-referencing and numbering errors have been identified that are transcription or conversion errors from the implementation of the National Planning Standards, which required reformatting the entire plan. As none of the proposed amendments alters the intent of a rule or a plan user’s rights, they are able to amended using clause 20A of Schedule 1 of the Resource Management Act 1991.
Full details of the changes can be viewed in the Minor Changes Report.