A building consent may be required if you're constructing a new building or making alterations to your home or any other buildings on your property.
Note: if you are applying for a building consent, consult the District Plan.
Work requiring a building consent includes (but is not limited to):
- The change of use of a building where this requires building work
- New buildings, additions, alterations, accessory buildings (sheds), and re-piling
- Plumbing and drainage
- Heating (solid fuel fireplaces), ventilation and air-conditioning systems
- Site works
- Retaining walls higher than 1.5 metres
- Retaining walls less than 1.5 metres that provide support for buildings, driveways or sloping ground
- Fences higher than 2.5 metres
- Swimming pool fencing
- Decks more than 1.5 metres from ground level
Call Building Control Unit on 07 306 0500 to find out if your building or plumbing work requires building consent.
Don't Dream It, Build It
Try MBIE's interactive tool for homeowners who want to renovate or repair their home. The tool helps you find out if your building work needs a building consent, and what you need to do before starting physical work.
Building work that does not require a building consent
The Building Act (Schedule 1) sets out certain building work that does not require a building consent. It clarifies the types of building work that are exempt and who can carry out this work. However, it is important to note that all building work, whether or not it requires a consent, must be done to meet the standards of performance set by the Building Code.
The following guidance document on MBIE's website will assist you:
For further guidance and information, please call 07 306 0500 or visit building.govt.nz.
For more information:
- Apply for a Building Consent - application forms, information and checklist