Local Road Report

⚠️ Road Status - Monday 24 June 2024

During emergencies we aim to keep this information as up-to-date as possible. Our priority is the safety of residents, our crews and emergency services will be responding to situations on the ground. Driving conditions are hazardous, please take care or stay off the roads if possible.

Find more information about the current event | Visit our Facebook Page

You can get in touch with us, to report any urgent issues to 07 306 0500, anything non-urgent can be logged through our online Fix it and Report a Problem form.

If the situation poses an immediate serious threat to people's lives or safety, please dial 111.

Road Status Updates Map

Road Status Updates

Status Location Date(s) Details
Watermain Renewal - Hinemoa Street, Whakatance Road Works Hinemoa Street - Whakatane 18 July 2:15pm Watermain Renewal. Hinemoa Street, Whakatane 7am- 5pm
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Watermain Renewal Package 3 - Arawa Road, Whakatane Open with caution Arawa Road, Whakatane - Whakatane 5 July 4:45pm Watermains Renewal - Arawa Road
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Footpath Maintenance Road Works Rata Avenue - Edgecumbe 2 August 2:30pm Footpath maintenance to various streets in Edgecumbe.
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Mimiha Stream Bridge Upgrade Road Works Ruatahuna Road - Ruatahuna Road 13 February 8:15am Construction work will begin on the upgrade of the Mimiha Stream Bridge in Ruatahuna, 19 February through to 20 September 2024 A temporary bridge will be accessible to motorists while the new bridge is being built. Traffic Management will be in place from 19 February.
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Peace Street Improvement and Draianage Works Closed Peace Street - Peace Street 4 October 4:30pm Temporary road closures from 17 June - Peace Street and McGarvey Road for the construction of the roundabout, raised pedestrian crossings, footpath and drainage works.
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Manawahe Road - Ongoing Works Open with caution Manawahe Road - Manawahe Road 22 May 11:15am The road is open to traffic. WDC currently looking at options and presenting these to the community. Hui held Thursday 7 December at the Manawahe Hall.
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State Highway maintenance

The following maintenance activities are taking place on State Highways within the Whakatāne District. Only roadworks that are expected to have an impact on travel times are included. Council does not manage these activities; they are presented for informational purposes only.

Visit the NZ Transport Agency website for the latest Road and Traffic Information »