The following Policies have been adopted by the Whakatāne District Council. For policies contained within the Council's Long Term Plan, view information on the Long-Term Plan.
Acceptance of Late Submissions Policy - (PDF, 349 KB)
This policy sets out the intended practice for the Whakatāne District Council with regard to the acceptance of late submissions under the Local Government Act 2002 ("LGA").
Eastern Bay of Plenty Local Alcohol Policy - (PDF, 1.0 MB)
This is the joint Local Alcohol Policy of the Kawerau, Ōpōtiki and Whakatāne District Councils.
Asset Management Policy - (PDF, 1.1 MB)
This Asset Management Policy sets out Whakatāne District Council’s approach and defines the key principles that underpin asset management practices at Whakatāne District Council.
Appointment of Directors to Council Organisations Policy - (PDF, 380 KB)
This policy sets out the process for selection, appointment, renumeration and reimbursement of external appointees.
Procedure for Bollard Installation - (PDF, 500 KB)
This document describes the procedure that Whakatāne District Council will undertake when considering requests for bollard installation on road reserves (including footpaths) or other Council owned land.
Backflow Prevention Policy - (PDF, 1.77 MB)
This Policy outlines a framework of principles that will govern the management, use, functionality and specification of backflow devices on connections.
Community Grants and Funding Policy - (PDF, 350 KB)
This policy was adopted by Council on 7 December 2023. It provides guidelines and direction for Council-managed grants and funding. It is designed to be transparent, uncomplicated, and easy to understand. The aim is to enable organisations to apply for and utilise funding for projects and activities that deliver on Council's and our communities' outcomes.
Community Halls Policy - (PDF, 321 KB)
Whakatāne District Council has a range of halls across the district that provide venues for people to meet and participate in the life of their communities and neighbourhoods. To ensure the efficient and effective maintenance, management and development of community halls the Council has developed a Community Halls Policy.
Dangerous, Affected and Insanitary Buildings Policy 2019 - (PDF, 928 KB)
The purpose of this policy is to identify and manage dangerous, affected and insanitary buildings in the Whakatāne District, in order to reduce the risk of injury, death, ill health or damage that may occur as a result of dangerous and/or insanitary buildings.
Development Contributions Policy - (PDF, 2.2 MB)
The purpose of the Development Contributions Policy is to enable monetary (or land) contributions to be charged to developers at the time of obtaining a resource consent, when a building consent is issued or when an application for a service connection is granted.
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Policy - (PDF, 300 KB)
This policy provides guidance about how we can enhance social cohesion through supporting diversity, inclusion and equity in our work and everyday behaviour. It outlines our approach to enable all people to participate and makes extra accommodations for those in our society who face greater barriers to participation and are more likely to experience discrimination and bias.
Dog Control Policy - (PDF, 346 KB)
Management of dogs in our District is one of the tasks of Council's Animal Control Team. The way we manage dog control across our communities is guided by the Dog Control Act 1996, the Dog Control Policy, and the Dog Control Bylaw.
Easter Sunday Shop Trading Policy 2023 - (PDF, 342 KB)
This policy permits shops to open for trading on Easter Sunday within the entire Whakatāne District.
Electronic Surveillance Policy - (PDF, 319 KB)
This policy sets out the intended practice for the Council with regard to Electronic Closed Circuit Television (CCTV). It also represents an agreement between the Council, the Whakatāne Police and the Whakatāne Community Safety Group.
Fraud Policy - (PDF, 274 KB)
This policy outlines what irregularities constitute fraud and states the internal procedures for dealing with a suspected fraud. It applies to all staff of Whakatāne District Council.
Gambling Class 4 Venue and Board Venue Policy - (PDF, 1 MB)
Gambling Social Impact Assessment for the Whakatāne District - (PDF, 2 MB)
This is the Council's policy regarding Class 4 Venues and Board Venues.
Policy on the use of funds from the Gordon Ellis Trust - (PDF, 402 KB)
The development of a policy on the use of the funds from the Gordon Ellis Trust provides a clear set of guidelines and direction on how these funds can be applied to enhance the collection of the Whakatāne District Museum and Gallery.
Museum and Arts Collection Policy - (PDF, 437 KB)
This policy describes how the Museum will develop and care for its collections to benefit present and future generations and promote the long‐term understanding of local history and cultural identity.
Procedure for Stopping Roads - (PDF, 244 KB)
While deemed to be a procedure rather than a policy, this sets out the process that the Council will follow if there is a request for an area of road to be stopped.
Proceeds from Sale of Non-Operational Assets Policy - (PDF, 339 KB)
This is the Council's policy on the use of proceeds from the sale of assets.
Procurement Policy - (PDF, 383 KB)
This policy covers activities associated with the purchasing of goods and services by or on behalf of the Whakatāne District Council.
Property Policy - (PDF, 670 KB)
The purpose of this policy is to provide a framework to support Council to make decisions about its property.
Protected Disclosures Policy - (PDF, 94 KB)
This policy complies with the requirements of the Protected Disclosures Act 2000 to promote the public interest of facilitating the disclosure of serious wrongdoing and protecting employees who make disclosures.
Rates Remission and Postponement Policies (All Land) - (PDF, 788 KB)
Rates Remission and Postponement Policies (Māori Freehold Land) - (PDF, 857 KB)
These policies define the circumstances in which the Council may remit or postpone rates. Remission of rates involves reducing the amount owing or waiving collection of rates altogether. Postponement of rates means that the payment of rates is not waived in the first instance, but delayed for a certain time, or until certain events occur. This policy includes the Policy on the Remission and Postponement of Rates on Māori Freehold Land and Rates Remission for Water Leakage.
Revenue and Financing Policy - (PDF, 651 KB)
This Policy provides certainty about how the Council manages its finances prudently and in a way that promotes the current and future interests of the community.
Road Naming and Property Addressing Policy - (PDF, 830 KB)
The purpose of the Road Naming and Property Addressing Policy is to provide a clear and consistent framework when naming new roads, changing a road name and for property addressing.
Rural Roads Fence Encroachment - (PDF, 198 KB)
This policy sets out the Council’s practice with regard to the management and licensing of areas of Council-administered rural roads fenced for the grazing of stock by the adjoining property owner/occupier in the Whakatāne District.
Safety Deficiency Assessment and Prioritisation Policy - (PDF, 1 MB)
The purpose of the Safety Deficiency Assessment and Prioritisation Policy is to outline how the Council will identify safety deficiencies and prioritise minor improvements projects.
Seal Extension Policy - (PDF, 700 KB)
The Seal Extension Policy was developed as a decision making and management tool to assist in the prioritisation of seal extensions.
Significance and Engagement Policy - (PDF, 1.2 MB)
The aim of this Policy is to set out when the Council will undertake consultation and engage with the community before making its final decision, and how far this engagement will go. To do this Council has to consider how important the matter is (the significance) and how much community engagement is needed to make a good decision.
SmokeFree and VapeFree Public Spaces Policy - (PDF, 276 KB)
The Council's policy provides for smoke-free and vape-free open spaces by educating the public and promoting awareness through signage in Council's parks and reserves.
Treasury Management Policy - (PDF, 500 KB)
This policy outlines the Council's treasury management activities and define the parameters within which all investment and borrowing activities are carried out.