Community Grants Pattern Header

Community Grants

Partnering with our Community

The Whakatāne District Council recognises that local communities, through their diverse range of activities, make a major contribution to the social, environmental, cultural and economic well-being of the Whakatāne District.

In order to help these communities to make this contribution, the Whakatāne District Council has a variety of funding schemes available to community groups, voluntary organisations, and in some cases individuals. The purpose of these schemes is to support groups and individuals to meet local needs and increase participation in local activities.

The Council is also responsible for administering a number of grants made available to the community from other organisations, including Sport New Zealand and Creative New Zealand.

Kiwi chick teaser

Annual Grants

Annual grants provide financial assistance to community-based, non-profit organisations providing a service to the general public of the Whakatāne District.

Artwork/mural teaser

Creative Communities Scheme Whakatāne

The Whakatāne Creative Communities Scheme is aimed at increasing participation in the arts at a local level and increasing the range and diversity of arts available to communities.

Sports field at night teaser

Sport NZ Rural Travel Fund

The Rural Travel Fund, funded by Sport New Zealand, provides funding towards transport costs to allow young people to participate in their regular sports competitions.

Cyclists at Ohiwa Harbour Trail

Community Board Fund

The Community Board Discretionary Fund provides financial assistance for local initiatives that benefit the communities within a Community Board area.

Aotearoa Reorua logo on flax background

Reorua ki Whakatāne Fund

The aronga/purpose of this fund is to support bilingual events and activities that help Whakatāne and Ngāti Awa meet the Reorua ki Whakatāne goals.

Kayakers on river

Te Pūaha Fund

The aronga/purpose of this fund is to support projects or events directly related to water projects or activities within the Whakatāne District.

 Community Funding Calendar

Community Board Fund is ongoing and decisions are made every seven weeks.

July 2024

Grant Applications open Decision date
Creative Communities Scheme Whakatāne 15 July 2024 to 14 August 2024 03 September 2024

September 2024

Grant Applications open Decision date
Annual Grants To be confirmed 05 November 2024
Te Pūaha Fund To be confirmed 05 November 2024