Ocean with Toitu logo overlaid

Council's Carbon Footprint - Toitū Certification

Toitu Carbon Reduce Logo

This certification endorses the positive steps we have taken since signing the New Zealand Local Government Leaders' Climate Change Declaration. The 2017 Declaration committed us to put in place ambitious action plans to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, as well as build the ability of the organisation and the community to recover quickly from climate hazards.

To gain certification, we have measured and assessed our greenhouse gas emissions each year since  2017-18.

Whakatāne District Council Emissions

Gross carbon footprint 3,403 (tCO2e*) 2023

Whakatane District Council Emissions Infographic
*Tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent

View our disclosure page on the Toitū Envirocare website »

A number of projects have been implemented to achieve a reduction in our greenhouse gas emissions, including the implementation of our climate change strategy and action plans, an energy audit, ongoing energy management programme and a fleet audit.

The adoption of Our Climate Pathway will see us take further steps towards reducing our emissions and reaching our emission reduction targets.

Learn more about our Climate Change Project »