Please note: The Annual Plan 2014–15 is no longer in effect as of 1 July 2015. For Council's budget and work programme for the current financial year, 2016–17, please refer to the Annual Budget Update 2016/17.
The Whakatāne District’s Annual Plan 2014/15 was adopted by the Council on 30 June 2014. This document highlights our budget and work programme for the year beginning 1 July 2014 – 30 June 2015.
The Annual Plan represents year three of our Long Term Plan 2012-22 (LTP) and takes on a ‘business as usual’ approach. This means that there are not many changes from the programme we set out in the LTP, with our main focus remaining on the key principles of Affordability, Sustainability and Responsibility.
Consultation on the draft Annual Plan took place during March and April 2014. This was your opportunity to ‘Have your Say’ on our proposals.
Annual Plan 2014-15
- (PDF, 9.4 MB)
This is the full document and provides detail on our work plans and budgets.
Fees and Charges 2014-15
- (PDF, 1.3 MB)
This provides a list of the fees and charges for the 2014-15 year.
Where to next?
- Annual Plan, Fees and Charges adopted: 30 June 2014
- Printed Annual Plan available from Customer Services: 26 July 2014
About the Annual Plan
The Annual Plan is produced in the years when the Council does not prepare a Long-term Plan (LTP). The purpose of the Annual Plan is to allow the community to participate in the fine tuning of the costs and funding from that originally proposed in the LTP. The Annual Plan must be adopted by the Council prior to the beginning of the financial year to which it relates. The Council will consider submissions received on a draft Annual Plan before the document is adopted.