WDC Draft Annual Plan open for submissions

The Whakatāne District Council’s draft Annual Plan 2014/15 and draft Fees and Charges 2014/15 are now open for public submissions.

The draft Annual Plan sets out the work programme and service levels the Council proposes to deliver in the year from 1 July 2014 to 30 June 2015, and it provides information about the indicative rates increases or decreases which would apply in a range of locations around the District.

Mayor Tony Bonne says the consultation process provides an important gauge of the community’s views on whether the Council has got the right balance between progress and affordability. “Anyone who wants to have their say should make a submission for the Council to consider during the hearings process. Obviously, we can’t satisfy every request, because we always have to strike a balance between what we would like to do and what we can afford to do, but the feedback we get does make a difference and helps Councillors get a better understanding of the community’s concerns and aspirations,” he explains.

The 2014/15 year represents the third year of the Council’s current Long Term Plan 2012-22, and the draft Annual Plan focuses on any changes to the programme set out in the LTP. It’s also the first annual plan for the new Council elected in last year’s triennial local government elections. “The Council governance and staff teams are determined to build upon the progress made in the last triennium,” Mayor Bonne says. “We want to see economic growth driven faster and further, and that will require working in partnership with the community, iwi and business organisations to get some key initiatives underway.

“We are also determined to deliver our work programme and services as efficiently and effectively as possible and ensure that ratepayers get real value for money. Our proposed average rates increase across the District next year is 2.91 percent, but actual increases between communities and sectors will vary considerably, partly as a result of last year’s property valuation changes, but also reflecting planned work programmes.”

Indicative rates increases are included in the draft annual plan summary document, which most people should receive as an insert in tomorrow’s Bay Weekend edition. Copies will also be distributed to Post Office box-holders and to some rural delivery addresses. Copies of the summary, the draft Annual Plan and the draft Fees and Charges are also available for inspection at Council offices and District libraries. All three documents can also be downloaded at Annual Plan 2014-15.

Submissions on the draft Annual Plan and draft Fees and Charges schedule must be received by 5:00 pm on Tuesday, 22 April 2014. Submission forms are included in the summary document and can also be completed online or emailed to submissions@whakatane.govt.nz.

First posted: 

Friday, 21 March 2014 - 8:48am