March Water Restrictions in place for Whakatāne and Ōhope. We have implemented water restrictions from 26 March 2025 until further notice due to critically low flows in the Whakatāne River. Saltwater intrusion on high tides is now limiting how much water the treatment plant can process, making immediate conservation necessary. Read more about the restrictions in place »
Public Notices
Whakatāne District Council sends feedback on Government’s latest Water Services bills
Whakatāne District Council formally submitted responses to Central Government’s Water Services Legislation Bill and Water Services Economic Efficiency and Consumer Protection Bill introduced to Parliament in December 2022.
Summary of submissions on Proposed Plan change Plan Change 6 (Audible Bird Scaring Devices) and opportunity for further submissions
Whakatāne District Council has prepared a summary of decisions requested in submissions (summary of submissions) on Proposed Plan Change 6 (Audible Bird Scaring Devices).
Notice of By-Elections Whakatāne District Council Murupara Community Board (Galatea-Waiohau Subdivision) Tāneatua Community Board
Notice is given under section 65 of the Local Electoral Act 2001, that the following persons have been duly nominated.
Notice of By-Elections: Murupara Community Board (Galatea-Waiohau Subdivision) and Tāneatua Community Board
As a result of insufficient candidates at the 2022 triennial elections, extraordinary vacancies have occurred in the Murupara Community Board (Galatea-Waiohau Subdivision) and the Tāneatua Community Board.
Precautionary reminder for Whakatāne and Ōhope residents living or working close to escarpments
Catchments are currently saturated following heavy rain, and with more in the forecast we are asking you to be alert for any signs of instability near cliffs and steep slopes (escarpments). This includes movements of trees or the slope, cracks in the earth, ground slumpage, or dislodged boulders suspended in vegetation on the escarpment face.
Council recommends keeping a close eye on escarpments nearby and following the below precautions:
Council changes the game with Mobile Voting
Having trouble getting to a post shop? Can’t get to a Council service centre? – We’re here to help.
Notice of day of election for the 2022 elections of Whakatāne District Council
Notice of day of election for the 2022 elections of Whakatāne District Council.
Notice of election, nomination of candidates and closing date for nominations for the 2022 elections of Whakatāne District Council
Under sections 52 and 53 of the Local Electoral Act 2001, I give notice that on Saturday 8 October 2022 the following elections will be held by postal vote using the First Past the Post electoral system.
Important information for Whakatāne and Ōhope residents living or working close to escarpments
Whakatāne and Ōhope residents living or working close to escarpments should always remain alert for any signs of escarpment instability.
Update to the District Plan Operative on 17 December 2021
Pursuant to Section 55 of the Resource Management Act 1991, updates to the Whakatāne District Plan to reflect the National Policy Statement on Urban Development 2020 become operative on Friday 17 December 2021.
Eivers Road road maintenance
Road sealing maintenance continues on Eivers Road on Tuesday, 9 November.
Declaration of result of By-Election Whakatāne District Council Murupara Community Board (Galatea-Waiōhau Subdivision)
As a result of an extraordinary vacancy has occurred on the Murupara Community Board (Galatea-Waiōhau Subdivision) of the Whakatāne District Council.
Appointment of Independent Chairperson - Risk and Assurance Committee
The Council is seeking a person to actively lead and enhance governance and accountability as an independent appointee to the Risk and Assurance Committee, in the role of the Committee Chairperson.
Notice of by-election Whakatāne District Council Murupara Community Board (Galatea-WaiōhauSubdivision)
As a result of the resignation of a member, an extraordinary vacancy has occurred in the Murupara Community Board (Galatea-Waiōhau Subdivision) of the Whakatāne District Council.
Public Notice for Further Submissions Plan Change 3
Availability of Summary of Decisions Requested on Proposed Plan Change 3 - Matters Of Control to the Whakatāne District Plan and Opportunity for Further Submissions.
Notice of Council resolution on Electoral System and right to demand a poll
Notice is given under section 28 of the Local Electoral Act 2001, that the Whakatāne District Council has resolved to retain the First Past the Post electoral system for its 2022 triennial election.
Decisions on Submissions. Proposed Plan Change 1 (Awatarariki Fanhead, Matatā) to the Operative Whakatāne District Plan
The panel of Independent Hearing Commissioner acting under the delegated authority of Whakatāne District Council has made its decisions on submissions to Proposed Plan Change 1 (Awatarariki Fanhead, Matatā).
Filling of Two Extraordinary Vacancies Galatea-Waiōhau Subdivision – Murupara Community Board
Resolutions have been passed to fill the two extraordinary vacancies that resulted from no nominations being received for these two positions at the 2019 local body election and subsequent by-election.
Notice of By-Election, Murupara Community Board (Galatea-Waiohau Subdivision)
As a result of insufficient candidates at the 2019 triennial elections, extraordinary vacancies have occurred in the Murupara Community Board (Galatea-Waiohau Subdivision).
Traffic and Speeds Bylaw 2018 speed limit changes
On 1 July 2018, the Whakatāne District Council's Traffic and Speed Limits Bylaw 2018 came into force. The following speed limit changes are incorporated in the Traffic and Speeds Bylaw 2018.