- What’s happening?
A retaining wall on Herepuru Road has reached the end of its design life and is showing signs of failure. We need to close a section of Herepuru Road for 8-12 weeks while we construct the new wall.
- When is this happening?
The closure will be in place from 31 March 2025 to 30 May 2025, weather permitting.
- What are we doing?
Safeguarding the current road by constructing a new retaining wall. The new design extends the length of the existing structure and will provide long-term resilience for the road and surrounding area.
- Why is the retaining wall being replaced?
The retaining wall has reached the end of its design life and needs to be replaced to ensure the long-term safety and resilience of the road and surrounding area. This will contribute to improving the overall standard and safety of the Whakatāne District roading network.
- What detour will be in place?
Hereperu Road will be accessible via the Awakaponga end of SH2 / Caverhill Road / Manawahe Road / Herepuru Road.
- Will the entire length of Herepuru Road be closed?
No, the road is closed in part. This closure only affects a section of Herepuru Road at the SH2 / Matatā Straights end.
Hereperu Road will still be accessible via the Awakaponga end of SH2 / Caverhill Road / Manawahe Road / Herepuru Road.
- How long will the road be closed?
The road will be closed for approximately 8-12 weeks to complete the work safely and efficiently. The programmed start date is 31/03/2025, and works are expected to be completed by 30/05/2025, weather permitted.
- Will the timeline change?
Work is weather dependant. We will keep the community updated with any changes. Geotechnical work to understand the underlying ground conditions has been undertaken, however, a small risk remains of site conditions not matching the assumptions made from the geotechnical work exactly which may result in an increase in scale of the works.
- How will this closure impact me?
The closure will impact residents making use of SH2 from Hereperu Road. We understand this will be inconvenient, but a planned closure is far preferable to complete wall failure.
- Why can't the road be opened intermittently?
For health and safety reasons attempting to phase the closure and reopening the road intermittently is not safe nor practical and will contribute to an increase in contract costs, resources and reduce construction time. This means the temporary impacts of this work will be much less than if the road remained open.
- How is this being paid for?
The works are approved under the current LTP budget and receives NZTA subsidy.
- How can I stay up to date?
We encourage you to keep an eye on this webpage and our Facebook and Instagram pages for regular updates. Directly affected residents will continue to receive letters as the project progresses. If you wish to receive updates via email, please email roading@whakatane.govt.nz to be added to our Herepuru Road email database.