What is a Community Plan?
Community Plans are a way to capture and prioritise the aspirations of area-based communities and create a path to achieve those goals.
These plans are curated by the community, for the community, through collective action, engagement and planning. Community plans empower local people to take action, fostering resilience through teamwork and shared ownership. While volunteers keep the momentum going, the community drives the change.
How do Community Plans get started?
Community Plans begin when a community expresses a desire to start the process. The first step is to complete a community readiness process, which is designed to help communities determine whether they need a Community Plan, and to help prepare the planning group to do the mahi.
The process ensures that whatever planning process the community takes is successful. Council's Community Partnerships Team can help communities get the ball rolling.
Community Plan starter kit
Thinking of creating a community plan for your local area? Great!
These documents will help you get started:
- DocumentCommunity Planning Factsheet - (617.72 KB)
- DocumentCommunity Planning Guidelines - (1.09 MB)
Community Plans

These plans are owned by the Edgecumbe community. Governance is provided by the Edgecumbe Collective, which is made up of representatives from local groups and organisations.
- DocumentEdgecumbe Community Plan 2022-25 - (1002.27 KB)
- DocumentEdgecumbe Community Plan 2018-21 - (1.86 MB)

This plan expresses the hopes and dreams for the community of Ōtamakaokao for the next 10 years. It sets out the high-level vision, objectives and principles that will help shape the journey ahead and make community aspirations a reality.
- DocumentAwatapu Community Plan 2022-32 - (3.08 MB)

This community plan expresses the hopes and dreams for our Matatā community and village for the next 10 years. It sets out high-level objectives and principles that will help guide the way forward and bring community aspirations to life.
- DocumentMatata Community Plan 2024-34 - (5.54 MB)