Submissions closed at 5 pm Friday, 2 March 2018. Visit our Bylaws page.
The Council seeks your views on the Draft Traffic and Speed Limits Bylaw 2018 – a revised and updated version of the existing bylaw.
The Council proposes to revoke Part 12: Traffic and Speed Limits of the Consolidated Bylaw and replace it with a stand-alone Traffic and Speed Limits Bylaw. Council staff have reviewed Part 12: Traffic and Speed Limits Bylaw 2008 and consider that while some sections are fit for purpose, other sections are outdated or constrain Council’s ability to manage traffic within the District.
More information on the proposal is available via the documents below.
- Summary of Proposal - (PDF, 655 KB)
- Statement of Proposal - (PDF, 745 KB)
- Draft Traffic and Speed Limits Bylaw 2018 - (PDF, 1.3 MB)
- Map of Speed Limits - (PDF, 1.9 MB)