Council's 2014/15 highlights

Meeting the community’s needs in the most affordable way is a key priority for Council. Here are just a few of the highlights from the 2014/15 financial year…

  • Council won the ‘Excellence in Service’ category at the Horizon Business Excellence Awards
  • The #Dontjimithat Road Safety video has been viewed over 140,000 times on social media
  • Council secured Air Chathams as the new flight service provider
  • Wharaurangi on the Strand was opened
  • Dredging helped keep the Whakatāne Harbour entrance navigable
  • Major stormwater upgrades have been undertaken around Ōhope’s Maraetōtara Stream
  • Holly’s playground was installed at Lake Aniwaniwa
  • Major improvements have been carried out at Herepuru Road
  • Council’s website has been ranked the best local government website in NZ
  • Rūātoki’s water scheme was upgraded
  • Council marked the ANZAC centenary with a series of ceremonies, plantings, exhibitions and events
  • Council worked with the Ruatāhuna community to reduce the number of roaming horses in the area
  • Several events have been secured for the District, including Oxfam Trailwalker, NZ Surf Lifesaving Championships, a wild foods festival and a large-scale junior sports tournament
  • Another year of rating surplus

A video showing our highlights from the 2014-15 year is available below. It details some of the services we provided and the awards we won over the year.

First posted: 

Monday, 14 December 2015 - 1:24pm