Cost settlement agreement announced

The following is a joint media release from Whakatāne District Council and Matatā Papakāinga Komiti Incorporated.

The Matatā Papakāinga Komiti Incorporated and Whakatāne District Council have announced that an agreement has been reached to settle the costs associated with the Komiti’s successful Environment Court appeal against the resource consent and land designations for the proposed Matatā Wastewater Scheme.

Consents issued for the wastewater treatment plant site were declined by the Environment Court following a hearing in February.

The agreement is subject to approval by the Ministry for the Environment, because the Komiti has received a contribution towards its costs from the Ministry for the Environment's Environmental Legal Assistance Fund. The Komiti and the Council have jointly applied to the Environment Court for an extension to the deadline for costs applications, to allow time for the Ministry to confirm its position.

Details of the settlement will be publicly released once the outstanding matters have been resolved.

First posted: 

Tuesday, 4 August 2015 - 3:54pm