Draft Tree Strategy approved for consultation

Whakatāne District Council’s Living Together Committee has today approved the draft Whakatāne District Tree Strategy – Ngā Taonga a Tāne for public consultation. This significant step marks the beginning of a community-wide effort to enhance and protect the district’s urban tree population over the next 20 years.

The Whakatāne District Tree Strategy aims to address the challenges associated with the Council’s amenity trees, which provide environmental, recreational, and aesthetic value to our streets and parks. The Strategy outlines a comprehensive framework for managing, protecting, and growing the district’s tree population, recognising the vital role urban trees play in improving the wellbeing of our communities.

Whakatāne District Council General Manager Community Experience, Georgina Fletcher, says analysis of the current tree population revealed that many smaller townships within the district have a relatively low number of trees, with nearly 50% of these trees being mature. 

“This work has highlighted the need for careful planning to ensure the right trees are planted in the right locations to provide long-term benefits,” says Georgina. “The Strategy includes guiding principles and goals to enhance our urban tree population through proactive planning, planting, and management. Careful planning is essential, especially in the context of urban development, infrastructure, services, and climate change.”

The outcomes identified in the strategy include the goal to increase the Council’s amenity tree population by 20% over the next 20 years and ensuring that future plantings are distributed equitably throughout townships. It also seeks to establish plantings for cultural harvest purposes, ensure effective monitoring and maintenance of trees, seek iwi and hapū mātauranga (knowledge) and reduce safety hazards related to trees. Additionally, the Strategy prioritises the retention and protection of existing trees and seeks to reduce tree vandalism. 

Georgina says the Strategy emphasises that community involvement is critical in achieving these goals. “The success of the Whakatāne District Tree Strategy relies heavily on community support and involvement. Residents are encouraged to participate in the public consultation process to share their views and contribute to the development of a healthy and sustainable tree population.”

Public consultation on the draft Whakatāne District Tree Strategy – Ngā Taonga a Tāne will commence on Thursday, 8 August 2024 and run until Thursday, 5 September 2024. Community members will be able to review the draft Strategy and provide feedback online, in person or in writing during the public consultation period. 


First posted: 

Thursday, 1 August 2024 - 2:14pm