Expressions of interest sought for Council housing portfolio

Community Housing Providers with an interest in delivering the Whakatāne District Council’s pensioner housing service are being invited to register formal proposals for stakeholder and Council consideration.

The Council undertook a review of its pensioner housing service last year, largely in response to changes in the way central Government funds social housing. Those changes specifically exclude local government from the subsidy funding arrangements which would be required if the Council wished to upgrade or expand its housing stock to meet future community needs. Councillors signalled their preference to transfer the ownership of the portfolio to a Community Housing Provider (CHP), which would have access to Government funding, and sought community feedback on that possibility, and other potential options for addressing the issues affecting the delivery of affordable pensioner housing.

A sub-committee comprised of community stakeholders and Council elected members was formed to guide the review process, with expert advice coming from The Property Group. A preliminary investigation confirmed strong interest from a number of potential providers and industry participants are now being asked to register their interest by February 27.

Deputy Mayor Judy Turner, a member of the social housing sub-committee, says the intent of the process is to establish whether there is a viable service delivery option which will safeguard current tenants’ interests and ensure that future tenants will continue to have access to affordable, good quality accommodation.

“From a long-term perspective, having our social housing service provided by a CHP which is committed to maintaining affordable rents, upgrading housing stocks and increasing the number of units available to meet future demands will offer distinct advantages for the community,” she says. “Sub-committee members are looking forward to having detailed information available so that we can make recommendations to the Council about how best to proceed.”

Any proposed changes to the delivery of the pensioner housing service must be approved by the Council for inclusion in the 2015-25 Long Term Plan (LTP), which will be released for community consultation in March. Submissions would then be heard and considered, with a final decision to be made in late-June, when the LTP will be adopted.

Social Housing Portfolio Investment Opportunity: Whakatāne / Murupara

Request for Expressions of Interest

Whakatāne District Council seeks Expressions of Interest from Community Housing Providers in the purchase and operation of its pensioner housing portfolio.

79 units within 6 villages:

  • 72 in Whakatāne
  • 7 in Murupara

For Registered Community Housing Providers, or those working toward registration with the Community Housing Regulatory Authority, this represents an important investment opportunity.

Expressions of interest must be received by 27 February 2015.

For further details and REOI documents, contact:

Hope Simonsen
027 702 6333

First posted: 

Monday, 12 January 2015 - 11:14am