Funding available to get small businesses ‘up and running’

The Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment has provided a $250,000 grant to assist Whakatāne District businesses which have suffered sustained disruption as a result of April's flooding and storm-related disasters get ‘up and running’ again.

Government funding criteria mean that relief grants will only be available to businesses with less than 20 employees which can show that they have suffered significant and sustained losses caused by the storm events, for a minimum of four weeks. Any grants provided must be used to re-establish business viability through means such as premises refits or relocation, or a marketing programme designed to restore profitable operations. Funding will not be available to cover uninsured losses.

The funds have been granted jointly to the Whakatāne District Council and Eastern Bay of Plenty Chamber of Commerce. Elected members from both organisations will sit on the assessment committee, which will also include local representatives with substantial business and accounting backgrounds.

Whakatāne Mayor Tony Bonne says the grant demonstrates central Government’s commitment to supporting the District’s recovery efforts. “This is a hugely welcome initiative which will really help our small businesses move on from a disaster which has had a major impact on our district and economy.”

EBOP Chamber of Commerce Chief Executive Gerard Casey says the funding not only provides an opportunity to get Edgecumbe businesses back on their feet, but will also “support those who have a focus on growing their businesses and the community“.

Funding applications will open on Thursday, 4 May. Application forms will be distributed directly by the Chamber of Commerce to the many small businesses it has been assisting. Forms will also be available on the Chamber and Council websites.

First posted: 

Monday, 1 May 2017 - 12:37pm