Last chance for cheap TV recycling

The opportunity to recycle TVs at the reduced rate of $5 per TV is almost over. The final two shipping containers are filling up fast. Once they are full, or on 21 March (whichever comes first), the standard recycling fee of $35 per TV will resume.

“People should come down to CReW or the Refuse Transfer Station as soon as possible to get their TVs recycled before the containers are full”, said CReW Manager Marcus Baker. “These are the last TVs that we can recycle at $5, so we’re encouraging people to come down and get recycling to avoid higher costs in the future.”

The Ministry for the Environment-funded TV Takeback programme is ending across the country during March. Once the subsidy is removed TVs can still be recycled, although it will cost $35 per TV compared to $5 at the reduced rate. Hundreds of thousands of TVs have been diverted from landfill, and the project has been a storming success across the country.

“Whakatāne residents have taken advantage of the scheme, recycling over 1100 TVs since October,” said Baker. “We want to make sure everyone has the opportunity before the subsidy ends.”

First posted: 

Thursday, 13 March 2014 - 10:04am