Muka Youth Prints Exhibition - Adult viewing tonight only

A rare opportunity to view prints by leading New Zealand artists is available for one-night only at Te Koputu this Friday.

Little Orchard Pre-school, with the support of the Creative New Zealand Creative Communities Fund, has brought the Muka Youth Prints display to Whakatāne and in a break from tradition is offering adults a chance to look at what is conceptually  a ‘Children only’ exhibition.

“We encourage interested people to come to the ‘adults only’ viewing  at Te Koputu between 6 and 7.30pm this Friday (8 August).  We’re not breaking all the rules though, we’re sticking with the Muka principle that only children can purchase the artwork,” says Little Orchard Pre-school’s Brian Skilling. 

Children (up to the age of 18 years) can view and purchase from the Muka Youth Prints exhibition in the Little Orchard Activity Room at Te Koputu from 11.30am to 5pm on Friday 8 August; and from 10am – 1.30pm on Saturday 9 August.

The promoters of Muka Youth Prints believe that the best way to make young people acquainted with contemporary art is ‘to get real works of art in their hands’ at an affordable price.

Names and signatures of the artists are covered over during the shows so that the young art collectors choose the work on their response rather than any consideration to the fame of the artist.

First posted: 

Friday, 8 August 2014 - 10:10am