New ventures sought for Wharaurangi

The Whakatāne District Council is calling for expressions of interest from people wanting to establish new ventures at Wharaurangi - the public space connecting the town’s CBD with the nearby riverside reserve.

Council Business Services Manager Roslyn Mortimer says the move aims to add vibrancy to the town centre and encourage more people to use and enjoy the area.

“We’re looking for one or more operators who can provide a service offering which will enhance the experience the CBD offers,” she says. “That may include food, refreshments, entertainment or other activities which are compatible with the surrounding area and provide a quality service for CBD visitors.”

Any activities involved would be confined to a designated area within Wharaurangi and must be respectful of the area’s historic and cultural significance. They will also need to be provided throughout the summer months, for at least three hours per day and four days per week.

Expressions of interest forms and further information about the proposal can be found here:

Expression of Interest - Wharaurangi Venture »

Closing date: 5 pm, 4 December 2015

First posted: 

Monday, 23 November 2015 - 10:17am