Official opening for new Tāneatua playground

A large group of local children and invited guests will gather at the Jack Knowles Reserve in Tāneatua on Tuesday (22 March) to celebrate the official opening of the town's upgraded playground.

A joint Tūhoe - Te  Uru Taumatua and Whakatāne District Council project, the playground has been progressively redeveloped over the past two years to provide a great new family recreation attraction for the wider Tāneatua and Rūātoki area. Key features include barbecue and picnic facilities, an exciting climbing frame and play equipment suitable for younger children and teen-focused activities such as a basketball half-court.

The inspiration for the development came initially from Ngāi Tūhoe. The iwi wanted to use donations received after the 2007 police raids on the Rūātoki area to create a lasting and positive resolution and resource for those affected – especially local children.

"A playground seemed the perfect solution and it was great to be able to bring together the enthusiasm and knowledge of our kōhana reo and school leaders with the infrastructure expertise provided by the Council to create this special place," says Tūhoe - Te  Uru Taumatua Chairman Tamati Kruger. "This is a start of other whānau gathering places across the Tūhoe rohe."

Whakatāne Mayor Tony Bonne says the Council is delighted that it was able help deliver a community facility that the people of Tāneatua and Rūātoki can be proud of and enjoy. "The raids were a devastating time for this area and the fact that something so positive can rise from that experience is just wonderful," he says. "First and foremost, this is for our tamariki, who are our future leaders. May it evolve and develop to meet the community's needs, so that tomorrow's children can laugh and learn here too."

The opening ceremony will commence at 8.30am on Tuesday and conclude with morning tea at Te Kura Whare in Tāneatua at 10.00am. Special guests will include local Tūhoe tamariki and kaumātua and representatives of Te Komiti o Runa, the Whakatāne District Council, Tāneatua Community Board and NZ Police. Any interested members of the community will also be welcomed.

First posted: 

Monday, 21 March 2016 - 10:18am