Overnight parking regulation to be reviewed

The Whakatāne District Council has opted to continue regulating overnight parking by self-contained vehicles via its Public Places Bylaw, rather than create a new bylaw under the Freedom Camping Act.

The proposed bylaw permits overnight parking in any public place, unless there are valid health and safety or public nuisance reasons for prohibiting or restricting that activity. The bylaw review is expected to be completed before Christmas and will ensure that there is a consistent approach to overnight parking regulation throughout the Eastern Bay of Plenty.

A report adopted at last week’s Policy Committee meeting proposed that overnight parking be prohibited in a number of sites, including:

  • Muriwai Drive in Whakatāne
  • Kōhī Point Reserve
  • Mahy Reserve
  • Wharekura East Reserve
  • Ocean Beach Park
  • Goodwins Landing
  • Uretara East and West
  • Otao South Reserve
  • Ōhiwa Harbour Wharf car park in Ōhope
  • Braemar Springs at Otakiri
  • The Western Coastal Reserve between Thornton and Matatā

Restricted overnight parking – certified self-contained vehicles only, with a maximum stay of two nights – was proposed for four sites:

  • McAlister Street car park in Whakatāne
  • West End car park and reserve in Ōhope
  • Maraetōtara Reserve in Ōhope
  • Port Ōhope Reserve

Aniwhenua Reserve in Galatea would continue to be an approved site for all camping activities, including non-self-contained vehicles.

Under the existing Public Places Bylaw provisions, infringements such as damaging reserves, depositing waste and failing to leave when requested can incur a $200 instant fine.

The review of the Public Places Bylaw will involve a full public consultation process. When that process is completed, the Council will also ensure that all camping options in the District are publicised.

First posted: 

Wednesday, 14 October 2015 - 9:17am