Piripai block sale process progressing

The Whakatāne District Council has decided on a range of terms and conditions it would like to apply to a sale and purchase agreement for its land at 77 Bunyan Road, Piripai.

The Council undertook an ‘expressions of interest’ process in late 2016 to identify potential developers of the 26.9-hectare area available for development. Mayor Tony Bonne says the conditions set out the requirements the Council would like to achieve to ensure that the sale of the property provides the best possible outcomes for the community.

“Those terms and conditions will now be shared with a shortlist of prospective purchasers, as a preliminary step to the selection of a preferred party to develop the land,” he says. “There will then be a ‘due diligence’ process prior to the negotiation of a final agreement.”

A proposed management plan for the area of land designed to protect the neighbouring Opihi Whanaungakore Urupa from the effects of development has also been presented to Trustees, Te Runanga o Ngāti Awa and Hokowhitu Marae representatives and hapū members.

“The intent of the management plan is to bring to life the provisions set out within the Whakatāne District Plan and endorsed in last year’s Environment Court findings,” Mayor Bonne says. “We look forward to defining a way of managing this land, in conjunction with the Trustees, which ensures that the cultural sensitivity of the urupa is respected and enhanced.”

First posted: 

Monday, 27 March 2017 - 8:28am