Pre-election Report available to voters and candidates

The Whakatāne District Council’s pre-election report for the forthcoming local government elections is now available for voters and candidates to refer to.

Planning, Regulatory and Corporate Services General Manager David Bewley says the report provides high level information about the Council’s performance, priorities, major projects and financial situation and direction.

“Preparation of the report is a requirement of the Local Government Act, and its intent is to provide useful background to inform political discussions in the lead-up to the election,” he says. “Candidates seeking in-depth analysis will also need to refer to our detailed strategy documents, but this does provide a useful snapshot of where we are today and guidance about how to find further information, should that be required.”

The pre-election report can be downloaded from the Council’s website or is available as a hard copy from Council service centres and District Libraries.

First posted: 

Monday, 1 August 2016 - 3:13pm