Rates remission package for flood-damaged houses

The Whakatāne District Council is reviewing its existing rates remission policy to ensure that it can be applied fairly and consistently to the owners of properties which cannot be occupied as a result of flood damage sustained in April’s extreme storm events. 

Quarterly rates invoices will be mailed out this week, but notices for properties known to be affected will be held back so that information on the rates remission available, and application process, can be provided to property owners.

Mayor Tony Bonne says Council elected members will consider a report on options for amending the existing rates remission policy when they meet later this week.

“Initially, we’ll be looking to postpone rates charges, and then remit rates for the period of time that properties cannot be occupied,” he explains.

He says Bay of Plenty Regional Council rate remissions and postponements will be aligned with Whakatāne District Council’s policies. 

First posted: 

Tuesday, 2 May 2017 - 1:50pm