Register your food business now

Whakatāne District Council is reminding businesses that sell food to register their business, or risk being fined.

Environmental Health Officer Dirk Fabrie says the Council is here to assist new business owners, or those who are unsure what to do, to register their business.

"Everything business owners need to register as a food-related business is available on the Council website. And there’s a really good "My Food Rules" tool on the Ministry for Primary Industry’s website at This helps owners determine whether they need to register a Food Control Plan or a National Programme - and also provides a plan tailored to their business," he says.

Alternatively, business owners can call to make an appointment to meet with one of the Council’s Environmental Health team. 

"We walk business owners through the process - we love helping people," Mr Fabrie says.

Registration is a requirement under the 2014 Food Act and applies to all businesses that make, sell, grow, transport, or trade in food. It also applies to businesses that serve food, like school canteens or clubs. Registration may also be required for local market sellers or individuals selling food over Facebook if they’re not fundraising for a cause or charity. 

"Ask us if you're not sure," Mr Fabrie says.

The Food Act's purpose is to ensure food is safe and suitable for human consumption. Depending on the type of business, yearly or two-yearly registration is required.

Mr Fabrie says the Council prefers the carrot approach to the stick, which is why they are appealing to business owners through letters, emails and publicity. But consequences for continuing to ignore the reminders were unavoidable.

"The cost of registration for most businesses is between $160 and $250 - much less than the potential $450 fine for not registering. And renewing an existing registration is even less, so it's a bit of a no-brainer really. But we know that business owners are very busy people and some will have every intention of registering, but just haven’t got around to it."

"However, if you want to sell food in the Whakatāne District then you’ve got to be registered. And if you’re not registered yet, you need to get onto it now. The public need to know they have this protection. So check out the information on Council's website, email us at: or call Council on 07 3060500 – and do it soon," Mr Fabrie says.

Find out more about Food Safety.

First posted: 

Monday, 24 February 2020 - 3:56pm