Sand fuse removal at Whakatāne River mouth

Whakatāne District Council is today commencing work to lower the sand fuse on the western side of the Whakatāne River mouth (at the tip of the Ōpihi spit), to comply with Bay of Plenty Regional Council flood preparedness requirements.

During heavy rainfall events, the river must be able to break through the fuse between the spit and Turuturu Roimata (Statue Rock), so that floodwaters can drain away faster, reducing the likelihood of upriver flooding. This means the sand build-up at the fuse needs to be reduced occasionally.

Contractors will be driving machinery from Ohuirehe Road eastwards along the beach to reach the spit today (Wednesday, 18 August). The works are expected to be completed in 2-3 days.

The work is being carried out in accordance with Covid-19 Alert Level 4 conditions for emergency works.

Coastlands residents using the beach for exercise during the work period are asked to keep themselves, and animals in their care, at least 50 metres away from any moving machinery.

The public is reminded of the importance of adhering to Covid-19 Alert Level 4 conditions during this time, which requires people to stay close to home and therefore away from the river mouth and surrounds.

If you're concerned that someone is not following the rules you can report it to the COVID-19 Compliance Centre through

First posted: 

Wednesday, 18 August 2021 - 4:05pm