Tendering workshops prove popular

Workshops explaining the complexities involved in writing and submitting successful tenders for local government contracts have proven popular with Whakatāne contractors.

The workshops were a joint initiative by the Whakatāne District Council, Whakatāne Community Board and local consultant Opus International, and were organised in response to requests for guidance about the various contract types and tender processes used by Council.

Two workshops were originally scheduled, but they proved so popular that a further session was held. In total, 52 people attended the half-day sessions. Shari Jones, Procurement and Contract Administration Team Leader at the Whakatāne District Council, says feedback was very positive. “Everyone said the workshop had added value to their existing knowledge of tender processes,” Mrs Jones said, “and many attendees also asked if we could either run refresher courses or further courses on how to write a winning tender.”

Mrs Jones said there was also discussion of how local contractors could obtain the relevant experience and track record required for large Council projects when such opportunities only arise occasionally and they are competing with larger companies. “The workshops not only helped local contractors understand the tendering process, but gave the Council a valuable insight into some procedural issues to consider in the future,” she said.

First posted: 

Tuesday, 7 October 2014 - 10:44am