Toi-EDA funding signals “fresh start”

The Whakatāne District Council has agreed to resume funding for the Eastern Bay of Plenty’s economic development agency, Toi-EDA, subject to a number of provisos.

Toi-EDA had sought funding towards its operating costs through the Annual Plan consultation process. In today’s deliberations meeting, Council elected members provisionally supported funding of $121,000 for 2016/17 – based upon a contribution of $3.50 per person, a funding formula which will be applied across the region. That funding is contingent on Toi-EDA implementing a new process for appointing Trustees and making regular progress reports to the Eastern Bay of Plenty Joint Committee (which is comprised of representatives of the region’s three District Councils and the Bay of Plenty Regional Council).

One-third of the funding required will come from existing funds committed to agreed Toi-EDA projects, plus savings in the operating costs for the Grow Whakatāne Advisory Board. Council staff will report back to the Council next week on ways of accommodating the balance of the funding required.

Mayor Tony Bonne says a resumption of the Council’s involvement signals a fresh start, which will promote confidence in Toi-EDA’s ability to represent the interests of all Eastern Bay residents. “The changes we have sought to the Trustee appointment process and the basis for funding Toi-EDA across the Eastern Bay are supported by the other Councils, and that gives us a strong platform for moving forward,” he says. “Our concerns about the reporting process will also be addressed by Toi-EDA reporting progress against its workplan to the Joint Committee on a regular basis.”

He says having a truly representative economic development agency will also assist the Eastern Bay to strengthen its participation in Government and regional economic development planning initiatives.

Council elected members noted that the funding commitment agreed to was substantially less than the $190,000 provided prior to 2013, when the Council withdrew funding to pursue its own economic development and District promotion activities.

“With the three District Councils committed to a population-based funding approach, we can be sure that all of the region’s ratepayers are making a fair contribution and will benefit accordingly from the work Toi-EDA undertakes on our behalves,” Mayor Bonne concludes.

First posted: 

Thursday, 12 May 2016 - 4:10pm