UFB fibre decision welcomed

Whakatāne Mayor Tony Bonne has welcomed a Government announcement that Ultra-Fast Broadband fibre services will be extended to parts of the Whakatāne District which currently have inadequate internet access.

Prime Minister Bill English and Communications Minister Simon Bridges yesterday announced that UFB fibre would be rolled out to an additional 151 towns and 43 urban areas. In the Whakatāne District, that will mean Ōhope, the Coastlands area of Whakatāne township, Murupara, Matatā, and Edgecumbe will have world-class broadband access by no later than 2024.

“The Whakatāne District Council submitted a compelling proposal for an expansion to the current broadband connectivity in late 2015, and it’s great to have it confirmed that Government has heard us and will take action to address the needs of our District,” Mayor Bonne says.

“We’ll be looking to confirm the earliest possible start to the roll-out of UFB fibre in these communities, because broadband connectivity is critical to our drive to expand the District economy and enhance the lifestyle available to all residents. We’ll also be looking to ensure our key rural areas are also covered.”

First posted: 

Friday, 27 January 2017 - 8:17am