Nominations sought for Aspiring Leaders’ Forum

Whakatāne District Council is calling for nominations for an inspirational and committed young person to attend the Aspiring Leaders’ Forum – Te Wānanga Rangatira Tūmanako – in Wellington from 2–5 July. Delegates must be aged between 18 and 26 years old and must exhibit leadership potential.

The Council will sponsor the cost of getting to and attending the forum, so all potential delegates or nominating organisations need to do is register an interest in taking part by the end of May, by sending Whakatāne District Mayor Tony Bonne a one-page CV and a covering letter explaining why the nominee would benefit from the Forum. Potential delegates will then be shortlisted and interviewed before a selection panel makes a final decision.

The forum is an annual event which brings together a diverse group of young leaders from across the country. Its philosophy is that serving others is the foundation of meaningful lives, healthy communities and effective leadership.

Mayor Tony Bonne says he is a strong supporter of the Forum’s philosophy. “With the help of facilitators and respected leaders from a range of backgrounds, the forum explores these personal character foundations, encouraging participants to live for something greater than self-interest – fostering qualities such as integrity, humility, commitment, courage and love.

“Members of Parliament host part of the forum, but this is definitely not a political event. It’s all about encouraging our rangatahi to be better leaders within their communities of interest, whether that be education, arts, sport or their own community,” he says.

Highlights of the programme include:

  • A day at Parliament House with keynote addresses by senior political figures
  • Addresses from inspirational leaders from throughout the country
  • Small group discussions to reinforce the learnings
  • A community service project
  • A sports afternoon
  • An ‘epic barn dance’

The Aspiring Leaders’ Forum is organised by the New Zealand Leaders Trust, which consists largely of prominent business and community volunteers who are committed taking a proactive approach to developing the next generation of leaders. If you know someone you think has the potential to join that generation and help make our District a better place in the future, you are invited to lodge a nomination.

Nominations are to be posted to the Council, for the attention of Mayor Tony Bonne, or they may be emailed to

Nominations are due no later than 31 May 2015.

First posted: 

Monday, 11 May 2015 - 3:02pm