Nga Tapuwae o Toi Track access affected by upgrades

Safety upgrades starting later this month on two staircases on the Nga Tapuwae o Toi Track’s Kohi Point Walkway section will affect through-access for the duration of the projects.

Whakatāne District Council Operations Coordinator – Parks and Recreation, Paul Edhouse, says work on the stairway on the Otarawairere Village-Otarawairere Bay track means that link-path will be closed to the public for up to three weeks from 20 May. Work on the Kohi Point track access stairway leading down to the northern end of Otarawairere Bay will then begin. The works are expected to be completed before the end of June.

“We are aware these important upgrades will inconvenience track-users, but unfortunately, the steep and rocky terrain in these areas means that it is not possible to form an alternative route which is both safe and practicable,” he says.

Signs detailing the closures will be posted at the relevant access points to the Nga Tapuwae o Toi walkway. Following the completion of the Otarawairere Village track staircase work, the Kohi Point Walkway access stairway at the northern end of bay will be closed for its upgrade. The track section from both the Seaview Road car park and Kohi Point will be open, but with no exit, meaning walkers would need to turn around before the staircase down to Otarawairere Bay.

Mr Edhouse says it’s imperative that people respect the closures and do not try and pass through or around the worksites. “The Council appreciates that these restrictions will cause some frustration, particularly for regular walkers who were unable to use the track during the recent high fire risk closure,” he says. “Council and the contractor involved apologise for any inconvenience and will ensure that access is reinstated as quickly as possible.”

First posted: 

Monday, 13 May 2013 - 12:00am