Museum holds McCahon work

The Whakatāne Museum Research Centre has confirmed that it is storing the artwork ‘Urewera Mural’, by noted New Zealand artist Colin McCahon.

A triptych, the painting was commissioned by the then-Urewera National Park Board in 1975 and was displayed at the park headquarters and Visitor Centre at Waikaremoana. Responsibility for the care and management of the painting transferred to the Department of Conservation in 1987. In 1997, The Urewera Mural was removed by activists. After its recovery and conservation, it went back on display at Waikaremoana before being placed on long-term loan with the Auckland Art Gallery.

Whakatāne District Council Museum and Arts Team Leader, Hamish Pettengell, says that at the request of Ngai Tūhoe and DoC, who wanted the artwork “moved closer to home”, the Urewera Mural has been relocated to the Whakatāne Museum Research Centre.

“As is standard practice, we contracted the services of a specialist conservator to condition report the artwork on arrival at the museum.  It is now re-housed in its crate and in a part of the building that is constantly monitored for any changes in temperature or humidity,” Mr Pettengell says.

The Museum will care for the Urewera Mural until such time as its future location is decided.

First posted: 

Tuesday, 28 May 2013 - 9:00am